Revolutionizing Real-World Asset Tokenization with

Spatial Oracles

Empowering businesses and individuals with real-time geospatial data for transparent, efficient, and automated asset transactions on the blockchain.

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Who We Are

Mapfi is at the forefront of the blockchain revolution, transforming how real-world assets are managed, valued, and transferred. Our mission is to bridge the physical and digital worlds by leveraging spatial data, ensuring that asset transactions are accurate, transparent, and efficient. With a team of experts in GIS, blockchain, and data science, Mapfi is committed to driving innovation in global financial markets.

MapFi Vision

To become the leading platform for tokenizing real-world assets, leveraging spatial data to drive innovation, transparency, and inclusivity in global financial markets.

MapFi Mission

To provide accurate, real-time geospatial data that automates asset transactions, ensures compliance, and democratizes access to valuable assets.

Through our expertise, we envision a future where asset ownership is democratized, and opportunities for investment are accessible to all.

Why Spatial Oracles?

Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds

Spatial oracles are crucial for the transfer of value on the blockchain because they provide the necessary real-world geospatial data that smart contracts require to execute transactions involving physical assets.

In the same way that email revolutionized communication by democratizing access to information, blockchain technology, combined with spatial oracles, is democratizing the transfer of value. By providing reliable, real-time data from the physical world to the blockchain, spatial oracles are making it possible for everyone to participate in a more transparent, efficient, and inclusive global financial system. This transformation is paving the way for a future where value moves as seamlessly as information, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and economic growth.

Here's why spatial oracles are important:
  • 1. Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds

Contextual Accuracy: Spatial oracles supply blockchain-based smart contracts with real-world data about physical assets, such as location, boundaries, zoning, and environmental conditions. Without this data, smart contracts would lack the context needed to manage or transfer real-world assets accurately.

Automation: By providing precise and up-to-date geospatial information, spatial oracles enable the automation of complex transactions involving real estate, land, and other physical assets. This reduces reliance on intermediaries and accelerates processes like property sales, leasing, and insurance claims.

  • 2. Enabling Trustless Transactions

Data Verification: Spatial oracles verify the accuracy of location-based data before it is fed into the blockchain. This ensures that all parties involved in a transaction can trust the information, reducing the risk of fraud or disputes.

Immutable Records: Once data from spatial oracles is recorded on the blockchain, it becomes immutable. This transparency and permanence ensure that all transactions are auditable and can be trusted without requiring a central authority.

  • 3. Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Costs

Streamlined Processes: Spatial oracles automate and streamline the transfer of value by eliminating the need for manual verification of geospatial data. This speeds up processes like property transfers, which traditionally involve lengthy checks and paperwork.

Cost Reduction: By cutting out intermediaries and automating data validation, spatial oracles reduce the costs associated with transactions. This makes transferring real-world assets more affordable and accessible, similar to how email reduced the cost of communication.

  • 4. Supporting Complex Use Cases

Dynamic Smart Contracts: Spatial oracles enable smart contracts to execute based on real-time location data. For instance, a smart contract for a lease agreement could automatically adjust terms based on property boundaries or environmental conditions, ensuring that the contract reflects current realities.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Spatial oracles open up new possibilities in decentralized finance, such as tokenizing real estate or enabling location-based loans and insurance. This broadens access to financial services and creates new investment opportunities.

  • 5. Facilitating Global Inclusion

Global Access: Spatial oracles make it possible for people worldwide to participate in transactions involving real-world assets, regardless of their location. By providing accurate geospatial data on a decentralized platform, spatial oracles ensure that anyone with internet access can engage in the global economy.

Inclusion of Underbanked Regions: In regions where traditional financial infrastructure is lacking, spatial oracles enable the tokenization and trade of real-world assets, bringing financial inclusion to underbanked populations.

Spatial oracles are vital for the transfer of value on the blockchain because they connect real-world data with digital assets, enabling accurate, trustless, and efficient transactions. By automating the verification and integration of geospatial data, spatial oracles not only enhance the functionality of smart contracts but also unlock new opportunities for innovation, inclusivity, and economic growth in the blockchain ecosystem.

How It Works

How Mapfi's Spatial Oracles Work

Mapfi’s spatial oracle platform is a powerful tool for automating and securing real-world asset transactions. By combining data from multiple sources, validating it through AI and blockchain technology, and integrating it into smart contracts, Mapfi creates a seamless, transparent, and efficient process for managing and transferring assets. This positions Mapfi as a leader in the future of real-world asset tokenization and spatial data management.

Comprehensive Process

  • Step 1: Data Aggregation

We gather geospatial data from multiple sources, including public datasets, private providers, IoT devices, and crowdsourced contributions. This data is validated using AI and blockchain-based smart contracts to ensure accuracy and reliability.

  • Step 2: Data Utilization

The validated spatial data is fed into smart contracts, automating asset transactions like property sales, insurance claims, and zoning compliance checks. Our platform also enables fractional ownership and tokenization of real-world assets.

  • Step 3: Blockchain Integration

All spatial data is anchored on the blockchain for transparency, security, and immutability. This ensures that transactions are trustless, efficient, and compliant with regulations.

Use Cases

Unlocking the Potential of Real-World Assets

  • 1. Real Estate Tokenization

Automate property transactions with accurate geospatial data. Verify ownership, ensure zoning compliance, and execute transfers seamlessly on the blockchain.

  • 2. Insurance Automation

Streamline risk assessments, policy issuance, and claims processing with real-time environmental and property condition data.

  • 3. Urban Planning

Enable smarter urban planning decisions by leveraging up-to-date land use and zoning data. Automate compliance and infrastructure management.

  • 4. Sustainable Development

Support green projects with accurate geospatial data for land and resource management, ensuring sustainability in development initiatives.

Why Choose Us

Why Mapfi?

Mapfi is at the forefront of integrating real-world assets with blockchain technology through spatial oracles. Here’s why choosing Mapfi is the best decision for your business:
  • 1. Accurate and Reliable Geospatial Data

Multi-Source Aggregation: Mapfi collects geospatial data from a wide array of sources, including satellite imagery, IoT devices, public databases, and crowdsourced contributions. This ensures comprehensive coverage and high data accuracy.

AI-Driven Validation: We leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to cross-reference and validate data, ensuring that only accurate and reliable information is fed into the blockchain.

  • 2. Seamless Integration with Blockchain

Smart Contract Compatibility: Mapfi’s spatial oracles are designed to seamlessly integrate with smart contracts, enabling automated transactions involving real-world assets like real estate, land, and natural resources.

Blockchain Agnostic: Our platform is compatible with multiple blockchain networks, allowing you to choose the best blockchain for your needs while still benefiting from Mapfi’s powerful spatial data services.

  • 3. Automation and Efficiency

End-to-End Automation: By providing real-time geospatial data, Mapfi enables the automation of complex processes such as property transfers, zoning verification, and environmental compliance. This reduces the need for manual intervention and accelerates transaction timelines.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Our platform reduces the need for intermediaries, cutting down on transaction costs and making the transfer of real-world assets more affordable.

  • 4. Security and Transparency

Immutable Data Records: All data processed by Mapfi’s spatial oracles is securely anchored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability. This creates a trustless environment where all transactions can be verified and audited with ease.

Privacy-Preserving Techniques: We use advanced privacy-preserving techniques to protect sensitive geospatial data, ensuring that your business can leverage blockchain technology without compromising on security.

  • 5. Industry Expertise and Innovation

Pioneering Technology: Mapfi is a leader in the spatial oracle space, continuously innovating to stay ahead of industry trends. Our platform combines cutting-edge technology with deep expertise in both blockchain and geospatial data.

Scalable and Flexible: Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Mapfi’s platform scales to meet your needs. Our flexible solutions allow you to customize your integration and take full advantage of our spatial data services.

  • 6. Global Reach and Inclusivity

Unlocking New Markets: Mapfi’s spatial oracles enable businesses to tap into new markets by facilitating the tokenization and transfer of real-world assets across borders. This creates new opportunities for growth and investment.

Financial Inclusion: Our platform democratizes access to financial services by allowing underbanked populations to participate in the global economy through asset tokenization and blockchain-based transactions.

  • 7. Incentives for Data Providers

Reward Systems: Mapfi incentivizes individuals and businesses to contribute geospatial data by offering rewards in the form of tokens. This ensures a continuous flow of high-quality data and creates a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Crowdsourced Validation: WMapfi allows the community to participate in data validation, rewarding contributors who help maintain the accuracy and reliability of the data on our platform.

  • 8. Future-Proofing Your Business

Prepared for the Future: Mapfi’s spatial oracle platform positions your business to take full advantage of the future of blockchain and geospatial technology. As the world moves towards greater automation and digitization, Mapfi ensures that your business is at the cutting edge of innovation.

Support for Emerging Use Cases: From decentralized finance (DeFi) to smart cities, Mapfi supports emerging use cases that require accurate and reliable geospatial data, ensuring that your business is ready for the next wave of technological advancement.

Choosing Mapfi means choosing a trusted partner with the expertise, technology, and vision to transform the way your business interacts with the world. By integrating our spatial oracles into your operations, you can unlock new possibilities for automation, efficiency, and growth, all while staying ahead of the competition in an increasingly digital economy.


Earn Rewards with Mapfi

Contribute geospatial data to our platform and get rewarded! Whether you're a business, organization, or individual, you can earn tokens and other digital assets by providing valuable GIS data. Help us build the most accurate and comprehensive spatial oracle platform while earning rewards.



Years Experience


Meet the MapFi Team

96 years delivering software, data, and mapping solutions with a wide range of technical domain expertise including blockchain, spatial, AI, NLP/NER, mobile, desktop and web.


Let's Talk

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about Mapfi? Reach out to us! Whether you're interested in our platform, want to contribute data, or explore partnership opportunities, we'd love to hear from you.

30 N Gould St Ste 12635
Sheridan, WY 82801